About Us

Who We Are

Simply put, we are here to ensure that your business or organization is functioning at the highest possible level, from what motivates you and your colleagues, to the mental and physical health of your entire staff.  Our goal is to re-energize your business or organization for the long term with real, practical objectives that get results.

Our Founder

Dr. Steve Brennan, founder and president of Peak Performance Consultants, brings a wealth of experience, excitement, and creativity to the field of motivation and education.  The former college basketball coach and adjunct professor at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Hamline University in St. Paul, MN has Masters degrees in Educational Administration and Sport Psychology, and a Doctorate in Performance and Health Psychology.  Steve is also the President and CEO of The Center for Performance Enhancement Research and Education™ (CPERE). 

Dr. Brennan has volunteered his time with numerous organizations, including Habitat for Humanity, University of Nebraska Medical Center Parent Board, Drake University Parent Board, Special Olympics, Olympic Swim Trials, PGA Senior Open, Ryder Cup, Cox Classic Web.com golf tournament, and Millard Business Association.

He is a long-time member of the Nebraska Writers Guild, and is the author of several books, including a supernatural historical thriller novel called The Vatican Files under a pen name.

What is CPERE?

The Center for Performance Enhancement Research and Education™ (CPERE) is the non-profit arm of Peak Performance Consultants, Inc. It is classified as a tax-exempt public charity under section 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. The purpose of CPERE is to educate the general public and athletic, business, and educational institutions on the topics of performance and health. To fulfill its mission, the Center determines:

  1. To conduct workshops to develop research topics and educate organizations on how to implement procedures to increase performance and healthy living.
  2. To conduct professional seminars to educate people and organizations on current research data concerning health and performance.
  3. To recruit college graduate students in the domains of business, sport psychology, exercise physiology, marketing, statistics and health sciences for the purpose of developing and conducting independent research projects for the Center, so we can better educate the public and private organizations on health and performance.

Past Corporate Clients

We have been very fortunate to work with and help some trend-setting organizations, including

  • First National Bank of Omaha
  • Personnel Association of the Midlands
  • Insurance Women of Omaha
  • Central States Health & Life Insurance Company
  • Institute of Real Estate Management
  • International Association of Hotel Reservation Executives
  • Sales & Marketing Executives of the Midlands
  • ICAN Conferences
  • Omaha Chamber of Commerce
  • Omaha Junior Chamber of Commerce
  • Omaha Federation of Advertising
  • International Publishing Management Association
  • Future Business Leaders of America
  • Cash Management Association of the Midlands
  • Mutual of Omaha
  • First Data Resources
  • Kirkham Michael Engineering
  • Methodist Hospital
  • Valmont Industries, Inc.

Past Athletic Clients

  • Kansas City Royals baseball organization
  • United States Naval Academy
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • California University of Pennsylvania
  • University of California-Davis
  • Binghamton University
  • Drake University
  • Culver-Stockton College
  • Midland University

What the Experts have to say

"Steve Brennan's total package of enthusiasm, dynamic presentation skills, timely and applicable materials and personalized instruction has elevated him to the top of the industry in human resource development. The employees of Valmont truly enjoyed and greatly benefited from our association with Steve. He gets our highest recommendation!"

"Your presentation for the Omaha Chamber of Commerce Small Business Council Workshop was 'top notch!' You 'hit the mark' with your direct comments on personal and business success as it relates to peak performance! The comments from the 100 business persons who attended reflected tremendous enthusiasm towards you and your message!"